TC1000 - Imperial OD Tubing 4 ÷ 28 mm
Code: 21004015Model: TC1000Description: Imperial OD Tubing 4 ÷ 28 mm
ALBG6-28 - High quality metric tube expander 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 - 15 - 16 - 18 -...
71600-7/8 - Imperial head for all tube expanders
TABG28 - 28 mm expander head
Multi-key for cap sealing NOVENT
71600-22M - Metric head for all tube expanders
21751 - Discharge-oil pump compressors
LRIC-IMP1050 - Imperial Cutter wheels for TC-1050
71600-16M - Metric head for all tube expanders
127C - Imperial Ratchet wrench
525-F - Imperial universal flaring tool - imperial and metric sizes
Capillary tube cutter PTC-01 - up to 3 mm
2BX - Screw type inner/outer reamer
CT-174 - 1/8" ÷ 1 1/8"
Split installation support tool
WSR1251 - Metal chromed Oval tel. mirror 25x50 mm
FCR6 - Plastic fin combs